Friday, November 1, 2013

Now to refine the function of "My Costumes to Rent"

So this has been a fun start to a new side business for me.

I will now be refining my blog page(s) to make your browsing a bit easier,
and continuing to add more pictures as possible.

This page will continue to serve as the general landing page for costume rentals.
And I will make most of the posts from this page into their own pages with individual posts about the items available.

Usher/Bell Hop/Mater Di/Buttler

Tried a new combination tonight for a "Thriller" Themed Halloween Maze.
I styled it as an usher but it could work for many ideas.

Usher/Bell Hop/Mater Di/Butler

Double breasted waist coat (black),
Pants (Black)
White Dress Shirt
Vintage Italian Silk Neck Tie
White Gloves
(needs a new pill box hat for Usher/Bell Hop,
  but I've made those before...)
Flashlight (for Usher)
Desk bell (for Bell Hop)
White towel (for Mater Di or Butler)
Silver Tray (for Butler)

Reserved for Bell Hop Halloween 2014.